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A modern cubicle where you can perform your job well.

General Workstations

Flexibility adaptability and performance are the essential elements.


Clean and streamlined look that complements any office environment.


The height adjustment of Skala expands the natural use of an office desk allowing a better adaptation to the physiology and anatomy of the user at all the times.

Balance 4 Leg

Balance 4 leg The Ahrend Balance fits seamlessly into Ahrend’s rich tradition of design. 

Balance Folding Leg

Balance Folding Leg Do you need more flexibility? Choose the Ahrend Balance with a hinged folding leg.


Team_Up From an open plan office for collaboration to a private workplace and from fixed seating to sit-stand.

Balance Comfort

The Balance Comfort is an integral high-tech solution that offers personal control over your workplace.

Balance Collection

The Balance Collection is a modular desk and table line that offers a solution for every work environment.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(+966) 92 001 0919

Do you have questions?
Call or visit us.

+966 92 001 0919



King Khalid Road Azizia Al Khobar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 31952

King Abdullah, Financial District, Parcel #5.08 First Floor. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 15372

Sun – Thurs: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Friday and Saturday: Close

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