Wellbeing / Desk Shields

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Desk Shields

WellGuard Separation Panels ensure a safer return to the workplace by reducing the risk of airborne transmission of viral particles between workstations. Desk shields are the ideal solution for personal protection in the office.​

Universal Mounting Options

Humanscale’s WellGuard Separation Panels are available in seven mounting options, allowing them to attach to any new or preexisting worksurface easily.

Customizable Finishes

Our PETG panels are available in clear finish, and unlike acrylic panels, PETG will not crack, discolor, or degrade after being cleaned with heavy-duty chemicals. We also offer panels in felted PET that are sound absorbent and recyclable.

Instant Privacy

Seamlessly transition to heads-down focus work by eliminating periphery visual distractions. WellGuard Panels in felted PET offer another element of privacy by reducing noise through active sound absorption – an essential solution to boost productivity in an open office.

Experts agree that separation panels can protect employees by decreasing airflow between workstations to reduce airborne transmission of viral particles. In fact, research shows that stiller air can lower infection rates within a given space, making desk shields a necessity for every office.

Do you have questions? Call or visit us.

(+966) 92 001 0919

Do you have questions?
Call or visit us.

+966 92 001 0919



King Khalid Road Azizia Al Khobar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 31952

King Abdullah, Financial District, Parcel #5.08 First Floor. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 15372

Sun – Thurs: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Friday and Saturday: Close

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