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CRAE Console​

CRAE Console is a high added-value technical solution, designed for environments which require a high quality product with a great capacity for technological integration. CRAE console is a highly modular product that allows the creation of closed or open workposts, depending on the equipment required by each operator.

CRAE console disposes of  large cable ducts for the conduction and location of the structured cabling and connectivity elements. At the same time, it exposes the perfect balance between techncial and high corporate design, incoporating customized solutions in the client’s image.


The design allows you to customize the number of voice, data and power sockets required and place them in different areas of the workstation, optimizing the arrangement of computer equipment and peripherals connected and increasing the security of them

Console takes special care of the cable management, providing the installer with multiple possibilities of locating power jacks, data and VGA sockets, etc. This makes LAN very flexible in terms of installation and the connection of the electronic equipment.

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(+966) 92 001 0919

Do you have questions?
Call or visit us.

+966 92 001 0919

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King Khalid Road Azizia Al Khobar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 31952

Sun – Thurs: 8:00am – 4:00pm
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