who we are?
Khalid A. Aljuraid Trading Co. Ltd.
Khalid A. Al-juraid trading company LTD is a 100% Saudi owned company which was established on 2002 with the aim to serve the local market by supplying its need of high quality office furniture.
What do we OFFER?
Our Products

How Do We Work
With our customers by providing quality products and services to satisfy their requirements, to be one of the top leading Furniture Providers in the Kingdom.
Our employees are our most valuable assets. We provide a working environment that attract, retain and develop talented employees. We take pride in our culture.
Al Juraid Group
We are dedicated and committed in all aspects to Quality, Excellence, Flexibility and Success, all refined with integrity.
Do you have questions? Call or visit us.
(+966) 92 001 0919
Our Work
Make Your Dream Office
News & Events
Latest Update
Khalid Aljuraid Trading Company LTD, showcasing our products and services regarding on office furniture and demountable partitions.


King Khalid Road Azizia Al Khobar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 31952
King Abdullah, Financial District, Parcel #5.08 First Floor. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 15372
Sun – Thurs: 7:30am – 5:00pm
Friday and Saturday: Close
Our Services
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